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Cloud Security as a Key Factor for Smooth Cloud Operations

Measures and best practices for IT security in the cloud

1. Executive summary: what is cloud security?

Organizations are increasingly relying on the cloud to store, process and access their mission-critical data and applications. While the cloud offers many benefits such as scalability, flexibility and cost efficiency, it also presents a number of information security challenges.

Comprehensive cloud security strategies are essential to minimize these risks and ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data in the cloud. After all, despite all precautions, a successful ransomware attack can never be completely ruled out. In such cases, the ability to restore data from uncompromised backups provides a valuable safety net. It also ensures business continuity.

As reliance on cloud services increases, so does the risk of data loss, data breaches and cyber attacks. This makes security for cloud a top priority.

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Cloud Security: IT Security as Key Component for Secure Business Operations in the Cloud

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2. Cloud security solutions: defense against attacks

Cyber criminals are constantly looking for new vulnerabilities to access sensitive data or compromise services. A proactive defense against attacks includes physical security measures, such as protecting data centers from unauthorized access, and technical measures, such as firewalls, virus scanners and strict segregation of data. In addition, internal processes and employee training play a key role in minimizing human error and negligent behavior. The following security measures can be used to build a reliable cloud security infrastructure.

Physical measures to mitigate cloud security risks

The first step in defending against attacks is the physical security of the data centers where cloud infrastructures are hosted. Cloud providers invest heavily in the security of their data centers to prevent unauthorized access. This includes:

  • Biometric access control: Biometric identification methods such as fingerprint and retina scans ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the data centers.
  • Video surveillance: Cameras monitor the data center perimeter around the clock to detect and record suspicious activity.
  • Access restrictions: Only selected personnel have physical access to the data centers, which is strictly monitored. The various areas of the data center are often further restricted and secured with special access restrictions within the data center.

These physical security measures ensure that the hardware and infrastructure required for the cloud are protected from unauthorized access and are cloud security basics.

3. Intrusion detection to ensure enterprise cloud security

Despite all precautions, it is almost impossible to prevent all attacks in advance. Continuous monitoring of traffic and system activity is essential for detecting and responding to suspicious activity.

This chapter focuses on two key aspects of intrusion detection: Traffic Analysis and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).

Traffic analysis for enhanced cloud security monitoring

Traffic analysis involves the continuous monitoring of data traffic between different network components and the analysis of network protocols in order to detect anomalies and suspicious patterns. For an advanced cloud security assessment, it includes the following measures:

Protocol analysis to detect unusual cloud security threats

Analyzing network protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS, and others enables the detection of unusual activity and anomalies. Abnormal packet sizes, unusual port usage or suspicious data transfer patterns can indicate attacks or security breaches. In this way, protocol analysis helps to identify security incidents early and take appropriate countermeasures.

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Intrusion Detection Systems – a vital part of a cloud security strategy

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) continuously monitor network traffic and activity in real time to identify unusual or suspicious patterns that may indicate potential security breaches. IDS can also flag previously unknown threats through their ability to detect anomalies in traffic. By integrating IDS into the cloud security architecture, organizations can respond early to potential security incidents, take countermeasures and maintain the integrity and availability of their cloud infrastructure.

Signatures and heuristics facilitate identification of cloud security risks

Signatures are predefined patterns or characteristics that represent known attack signatures, while heuristics are based on behavioral analysis to identify unknown or novel threats. Signatures serve as a reference point for known attack patterns and enable accurate detection of such patterns in network traffic. Heuristics, on the other hand, analyze the behavior of activities and identify anomalies that indicate potential threats.

4. Proof of effectiveness of cloud security infrastructure

Cloud security is not just about implementing security measures, it is also about being able to monitor, prove and continuously improve the effectiveness of those measures. Certifications such as ISO 27001, ISAE 3402 and TISAX, as well as external vulnerability testing, give organizations and their partners and customers confidence in the effectiveness of their cloud security measures.

Cloud security certifications

Certification plays an important role in cloud security, particularly as a means of validating the effectiveness of security measures. By obtaining industry-specific security certifications, such as ISO 27001 for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), organizations can demonstrate that they meet high security standards. These certifications demonstrate that the cloud infrastructure is adequately protected against security threats and meets industry-specific requirements. As a result, they not only provide external validation of the security measures in place, but also increase customer and partner confidence in the company's security practices. SEEBURGER has regularly received the following certifications confirmed by an independent third-party. The individual cloud security measures taken by SEEBURGER are described in detail in a Statement of Applicability:

KPMG certified

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 certification is an important demonstration of the effectiveness of an information security management system (ISMS). This international standard sets out clear requirements and best practices for managing information security. ISO 27001 certification for cloud service providers demonstrates that an organization has implemented robust security controls and processes to adequately protect information. This includes aspects such as risk management, physical and logical security, access control and continuous improvement of security practices. Companies that achieve ISO 27001 certification demonstrate their commitment to ensuring the highest standards of security in the cloud.

External vulnerability testing for cloud security assessment

External vulnerability testing is performed by independent security experts or organizations to identify and proactively close potential vulnerabilities in the cloud infrastructure. These tests not only provide detailed insight into existing security risks, but also serve as an important indicator of the effectiveness of the protections in place.

Penetration testing

Penetration tests, also known as pen tests, are simulated attacks in which ethical hackers attempt to exploit security vulnerabilities to penetrate the cloud infrastructure. By identifying vulnerabilities and potential security gaps, penetration testing enables an accurate assessment of attack resilience. This provides a clear picture of potential security risks and can also serve as a valuable basis for improving and adapting security measures.

Vulnerability scans

Vulnerability scanning checks the network, applications, and systems for known security issues and identifies potential vulnerabilities and security gaps in the cloud infrastructure. This enables early detection of potential attack vectors, allowing security teams to take proactive measures to address vulnerabilities. Regular vulnerability scans can help identify existing risks as well as help to ensure that the security measures in place are appropriate for the current threat landscape.

Ethical hacking

Ethical hacking takes pen testing a step further by allowing authorized security professionals to specifically look for vulnerabilities in the cloud infrastructure. The difference between ethical hacking and criminal hacking is that ethical hacking is performed by experts who work with the organization to uncover potential attack vectors. This hands-on approach allows organizations to isolate and proactively address existing vulnerabilities.

Continuous improvement to enhance cloud security

In the face of a volatile threat landscape and ever-changing attack methods, organizations must continually review and optimize their security practices. This includes regularly evaluating security policies, training employees, updating security patches and adapting security measures to new findings from security analysis.

Updating security guidelines to set cloud security standards

Periodic review of security policies and processes is essential to staying ahead of emerging threats. This process ensures that security policies keep pace with the volatile threat landscape and the demands of evolving cloud technologies, while meeting regulatory requirements for data protection and compliance.

Training and awareness to maintain cloud security standards

Through targeted training, employees can be made aware of current security risks and trained in good security practices. This includes topics such as recognizing phishing attacks, strong password practices, handling sensitive data and using secure communication channels. Ongoing training ensures that employees are aware of the latest security policies and procedures, and creates a company-wide awareness of the importance of security at all levels of the organization.

Incident response planning in case of cloud security issues

An effective incident response plan enables organizations to respond quickly and efficiently to security incidents. Regularly reviewing and updating the incident response plan ensures that it meets changing threats and requirements. This includes identifying weaknesses in the plan by simulating security incidents, updating contact information and responsibilities, and incorporating new lessons learned and best practices. Special teams, described in more detail in chapters 6 and 7, are responsible for preparing for emergencies.

Proving the effectiveness of cloud security measures does not end with a single implementation. It is an ongoing, living process that adapts to the changing security landscape and relies on certifications, vulnerability testing and continuous improvement to address emerging threats.

5. Analysis of (new) cloud security hazards

Attack methods and security risks are constantly changing, and cyber criminals are always looking for new loopholes to exploit. Organizations need to continually review and adapt their cloud security measures to remain effective. This chapter focuses on analyzing (new) threats to ensure cloud security.

Ongoing review of cloud security measures

The continuous review of the measures taken ensures that the cloud secuity infrastructure is always up to date. Important aspects of this process include

Vulnerability management

Vulnerability management involves regularcloud security assessment and updating security policies accordingly as well as scanning systems for known and potential new vulnerabilities. This proactive approach aims to close any security gaps before they can be exploited by attackers.

Incident response exercises

In addition to the incident response planning mentioned above, regular incident response exercises should be conducted. This ensures that the team is well prepared for security incidents and can respond effectively. The goal of these simulated security incidents is to test the team's ability to respond, refine processes, and incorporate lessons learned into the incident response plan. These hands-on exercises not only prepare organizations for cloud security emergencies, but also ensure that response mechanisms are continually improved to proactively address emerging threats.

Adjusting the measures for continuous cloud security

Technologies and attack methods are constantly evolving. As a result, organizations must continuously identify and assess new threats. This enables security teams to use the knowledge gained to dynamically adapt security measures to new threats.

Threat intelligence

Threat intelligence is the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of information about current and emerging cloud security threats. It enables the proactive identification of new attack patterns, vulnerabilities, and criminal tactics so that IT security professionals can respond to evolving threats, optimize defenses, and strengthen the resilience of the cloud infrastructure.

Cloud security is not a static concept.

It’s a dynamic process that responds to an ever-changing threat landscape. Only through a continuous process of monitoring, adaptation and improvement can organizations ensure that their cloud infrastructure is armed against emerging risks and attacks. Modern security technologies and approaches help organizations identify and address new threats early on.

6. Availability of security experts at SEEBURGER

Cloud security is a complex topic, especially in light of the changing threat landscape. This makes access to qualified security experts particularly important, because only IT security experts are able to properly assess security risks, develop security strategies and react accordingly in an emergency. SEEBURGER has defined management level roles that are responsible for the security measures of SEEBURGER Cloud Services. The following SEEBURGER security experts ensure that the data and integration provided via the SEEBURGER BIS Platform in the cloud are always secure:

Corporate Information Security Officer (CISO)

The CISO is the key person for information security in an organization and has the primary responsibility for all information security issues and incidents: • Recruitment and Qualification: The CISO is responsible for recruiting qualified security professionals and ensuring that they have the necessary qualifications and experience. • Security Strategy: The CISO develops and implements a comprehensive security strategy that ensures sufficient resources are available for the availability of security professionals. • Budgeting: The CISO works closely with senior management to establish the information security budget and ensure that sufficient funds are available to hire and maintain security professionals. The CISO is the key person for information security in an organization and has the primary responsibility for all information security issues and incidents:

  • Recruitment and Qualification: The CISO is responsible for recruiting qualified security professionals and ensuring that they have the necessary qualifications and experience.
  • Security Strategy: The CISO develops and implements a comprehensive security strategy that ensures sufficient resources are available for the availability of security professionals.
  • Budgeting: The CISO works closely with senior management to establish the information security budget and ensure that sufficient funds are available to hire and maintain security professionals.

7. Four security layers for security within SEEBURGER Cloud Services

We ensure the security of SEEBURGER Cloud Services at both the management level and in day-to-day operations through dedicated teams.

Data center operator

The data center operator is responsible for ensuring physical, network and server security.

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Our webcast on IT Security as a Key Component for Secure Business Processes

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